Wednesday 31 July 2019

Incredible India

For many years, the Indian Tourist Board in the UK ran an advertising campaign under the strap-line 'Incredible India'.

After spending the last 2 months here, only scratching the surface of this sprawling, diverse country, 'incredible' seems the perfect description of everything good and bad about this place.

When we first arrived, we weren't sure if we would last 2 months but as the days and weeks passed, we slipped deeper into 'Indian Mode' and now we just don't want to leave. India is definitely an acquired taste and we are hungry for more.

It's dirty, noisy, smelly, sweaty and I can't pretend to enjoy all of those added 'benefits' but the whole experience is definitely one that we have enjoyed.

There is so much more to experience here, so much more to explore, so much more to see, touch and smell, so much more to eat.

India, we'll be back...

Incredible, Unique Culture

Cricket with the Udaipur locals
Swimming in The Ganges

Incredible Scenery

Incredible Number of Cows

Incredible, truly incredible, Food

Incredible Poverty and Dirt
(but much less than we anticipated, Shoshi has been amazed by the transformation over the last 20 years)

Incredible Number of Israelis

Incredible Roads

 Incredible Weather

Incredible People

Incredible Architecture

Incredible Memories
(3rd time round for Shoshi, visiting her old haunts)