Friday 3 May 2019

The 2nd best decision Shoshi's ever made

It was Shoshi who decided we should come to New Zealand, she deserves all the credit.

Mid February, we were in Vietnam and had another couple of weeks before we wanted to leave.  We couldn't decide where we should go to next.  New Zealand, Japan perhaps, Myanmar was also on the list. We were wasting valuable time and energy in Vietnam on where we should go next and that is a cardinal sin when travelling.  (I know it sounds ridiculous, the very definition of '1st World Problems', but I spent some sleepless nights on Skyscanner, trying to decide where to go.)

And then it happened. 

Shoshi woke one morning and said  "I've decided, we're going to New Zealand".

Within 10 minutes, we had booked flights.

The rest, as they say, is history.

We have just had a fantastic couple of months, the best of our travels so far.

So many amazing experiences, such breathtaking scenery.

Over 6500km travelled, we've stayed in 25 different towns, villages and fields. We've done 36 treks, long and short.

Our kids have sung their little hearts out in the back of the car and the camper van.  Their music tastes have become highly refined, some of my proudest moments were hearing Guy ask for more Maria Callas, Mili singing The White Album in its entirety and Eyal playing DJ with some Stone Roses, Pixies and  Hendrix.  They're set for life!

If Israel is small, stressful and loud, then NZ is expansive, calming and quiet.

It's been one long outdoor adventure beyond anything we could have imagined.

It's reinforced our belief that we are at our best when out in nature, being free from the dark forces of consumerism and neon lights.

We're leaving a better family than we arrived, it's had that kind of effect on our behaviour, individual and collective.

If it wasn't so damn far away from Israel, we would probably move here (I'm still trying to convince Shoshi that we should do it anyway!).

NZ, we'll miss you more than you'll ever know.

Oh, and if you're wondering, Shoshi's best ever decision, well that's obvious!

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