Wednesday 10 August 2022

The No 1 Rule when Moving to America

So apparently the Yanks are big on rules.

3 days into our relocation to DC and I'm beginning to understand how they prioritze things.

Buying a gun - no rules, knock yourself out, it's all just a bit of fun.

Abortion - plenty of rules, heaven forbid anyone should be allowed free choice and individual freedoms.

Going to the swimming pool in our complex - more rules than the English language.  Every hour, for 15 mins, all children must leave the pool so that the adults can swim in peace.  Even if there are no adults at the pool.  Because it is 2pm and all the adults are at work.  And the only people at the pool are kids (and me).

So even when the the pool is half full of kids, they must all leave the pool, sit on the side and watch an empty pool for 15 mins. Empty because all the adults are at work, if that wasn't obvious by now!

If there are any adults out there, who fancy a quiet swim, I can certainly recommend the Rollins Park Swimming Pool, every day, every hour, from quarter to the hour, for 15 mins.  

Empty swimming pools - it's the No 1 rule in the US of A.

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