Friday 5 April 2019

רק לא ביבי

Fortunately, we've been out of Israel during the election season.  We've missed all the mud-slinging, name-calling and general unpleasantness.

Unfortunately, it means we won't get to make our voices heard at the ballot box.  We won't get to part of 'democracy' in action.

It will be the first time I have not voted since I moved to Israel around 15 years ago.

At that time, I was moving to the 'only democracy in the Middle East'.  It was the frequent claim of those people defending Israel and pointing fingers at its neighbours.

But 15 years later, I'm not sure if Israel really is a true democracy.

Politicians jump parties at the drop of a hat.  New parties are formed and disbanded with such frequency that it is hard to follow who is in and who is out.

The real power is determined in coalition deals that take place far from any public scrutiny.

And crucially, we have a Leader who is more Dictator than Prime Minister.

The fact is, he is not just Prime Minister.

He is also Foreign Minister (or was until he was forced by the courts to give it up in February)

He is also Defence Minister.

He is also Health Minister.

He was Communications Minister, only recently handing it over.

That is not democracy, that is dictatorship.

Authority without accountability.

Control without checks and balances.

Bibi is the best poker player in town.  Staring down his opponents, bluffing when it suits him, using mind-games to intimidate and manipulate.  All good character traits if you are trying to win a game of cards but not what is required to run a country.

On the surface, Israel is in pretty good shape.  Strong economy, 'relative' quiet on our borders and apparently strengthening ties with previously hostile countries.

But that doesn't reflect the true picture.

There is a malaise at the heart of the country.  A lack of concern for one another.  An attitude that one should just do as one wants.

This stems from our leaders.  They set the tone whilst also being a mirror of the society they represent.

Israel is a country that prides itself on being one big family, a country of the kibbutz, the moshav and the Jewish family.  But it has long since left those values behind.  It is now a country of division, of sectors that view each other with suspicion and mistrust.

This translates into a fragmented political system whereby most people vote within their sector, for self-interest.

People get they leaders they deserve and in the case of Israel, that has created a very depressing situation indeed.

And at the top is King Bibi.

Bibi, Israel is not your country and you are not its king, despite what your myopic supporters may sing.

It is not yours to do with as you see fit. And it is certainly not your wife's.

I want my children to grow up in a forward-looking, democratic Israel,  not a fear-mongering dictatorship under the control of the Netanyahus.

Bibi, resign so my children can come back and grow up in Israel.

But failing that (and I don't expect you to do the decent thing), hopefully the people will speak.

רק לא ביבי

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